Dollar Limit Guidelines
Purchases under $2,000
Purchase and selection of vendor is at the discretion of the Requestor/Requisitioner.
Purchases between $2,000 and $5,000
One written quote should be obtained for purchases of goods and services when the total dollar amount of the order is between $2,000 and $5,000.
Purchases between $5,001 and $20,000
Three written quotes should be obtained for purchases of goods or services when the total dollar amount of the order is between $5,001 and $20,000.
Purchases between $20,001 and $114,800
For purchases of goods or services when the total dollar amount of the order is between $20,001 and the legal bid limit of $114,800, a Request for Quotations (RFQ) or Request for Proposal (RFP) is required and should be forwarded to multiple vendors. Reach out to General Services to obtain a Bid / RFx Request Form.
Purchases over $114,800 except Public Works Projects and Professional Services
The formal bid process is required for purchases of goods or services when the total dollar amount of the order exceeds the legal bid limit of $114,800. Remember, it is illegal to split or separate purchases to avoid competitive bidding. Reach out to General Services to obtain a Bid / RFx Request Form.
Before a purchase order can be issued, the item(s) must be legally advertised (California Education code section 81641 requires that a bid or proposal be published in a newspaper at least once a week for two weeks), formally bid, and awarded by the Board of Trustees to the lowest responsive bidder. The requesting department should coordinate the development of bid specifications with the Director of General Services or designated Buyer. Since this process can take as long as 30-90 days, depending upon the complexity of the bid, the General Services Department should be contacted well in advance of the desired delivery date.
There are two exceptions to the $114,800 bid limit:
- Public works projects require a formal bid if expenditures are greater than $220,000.
- Certain professional services (e.g. lawyers, architects, engineers) are exempt from formal bid requirements, however, Board approval is needed for a new vendor or new services valued above the legal bid minimum or for continuing services in excess of $500,000.