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Office of the Ombuds


The Office of Collaborative Resolution is a confidential, independent resource authorized to informally address SMCCCD employee concerns from a neutral position; ultimately facilitating the process of conflict resolution where possible. These matters range from workplace disputes, inequities and unfairnesses, thought-partnering, and resource referral. 

Matters related to sexual harassment and/or discrimination MUST be reported via mandatory reporting requirements as defined by Title IXEach college, alongside the District Office, has a Title IX Coordinator whose email address and contact number are provided on the website via the links provided here. The Office of Collaborative Resolution cannot address matters of this nature. Should the Office of Collaborative Resolution receive submissions, petitioners will be notified via email that their submission has been referred to the appropriate Title IX Coordinator. For matters seeking accommodation or resolution regarding accessibility and/or ADA accommodation(s), employees should contact the SMCCCD Department of Human Resource. Submissions received focusing on accessibility and/or ADA accommodations will be referred to Human Resources and the petitioner shall be notified via email.  

The Office of Collaborative Resolution works to impartially produce ideas that foster pathways for office visitors to identity solutions that best suit their situation. The Office of Collaborative Resolution is not a legal office and does not provide legal advice or formal mediation. 

All interactions with the Office of Collaborative Resolution are strictly confidential except cases where there is consent by complainant; imminent harm to the complainant, others or District/Colleges; or a legal concern.


Request for Service

You can make a request for service by using the below request form.

Collaborative Resolution Intake Form




What can the Office of Collaborative Resolution do?

  • Collaborate with individuals and departments.
  • Thought-partner and analyze your situation.
  • Help develop options for addressing your concerns.
  • Identify and explain relevant District policies and procedures.
  • Listen carefully to concerns with assurance of maintaining confidentiality barring imminent harm to the complainant, others or District/Colleges; or a legal concern are not expressed. 
  • Refer you to the appropriate person(s), office/department(s), employee resources, and arrange and mediate meetings.
  • Recommend resolutions

What is outside of the scope of the Office of Collaborative Resolution?

  • Direct any District/College office/supervisor to change a decision.
  • Make binding or administrative decisions.
  • Make decisions for you.
  • Make, change or set aside policy, procedures, rules or regulations.
  • Provide legal advice or represent you in a legal manner.
  • Provide support for matters related to any legal claim.

