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Workers' Compensation

You may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits if you are injured or become ill due to your employment with SMCCCD. Workers' compensation covers most workrelated physical or mental injuries and illnesses. An injury or illness can be caused by one event (such as hurting your back in a fall) or by repeated exposures such as hurting your wrist from doing the same motion over and over).

If an employee is injured on the job, the employee may be entitled to worker’s compensation of total temporary disability that requires an employee to be off work per medical verification.

  • Total temporary disability is usually two-thirds of your prior earnings before the injury occurred. The state regulates the minimum and maximum benefits allowed for total temporary disability.
  • Total Temporary Disability is tax-free.
  • An employee is provided with 60 days of worker’s comp regardless of the total temporary disability benefit amount. This benefit is not accumulated.
  • After the first 60 days while an employee receives total temporary disability, an employee will be allowed to use sick leave, vacation time or any allowable paid leave accrual to receive a full salary. The District will continue to provide normal salary throughout the worker’s compensation leave until the employees accrued paid leave exhausts and while the employee receives total temporary disability of worker’s comp benefits.

See the Workers' Compensation Notice   for more information.


If the injured employee has chosen not to file a Workers Comp Claim, the Injury/Incident must still be reported using the links below. 

  1. Supervisor reports incident via Injury/Incident Supervisor Investigation Report.
    1. Supervisor will receive an automated email that includes a pdf attachment with the information submitted.
    2. Review the document and Sign.
    3. Submit the signed document to HR via dropbox.
  2. Employee will receive an automated email notification when the supervisor has reported the incident, with a link to report the incident via Injury/Incident Employee Report.  
    1. Employee will receive an automated email that includes a pdf attachment of the reported injury/incident.
    2. Review the document and Sign.
    3. Submit the signed document to HR via dropbox.

Links to More Information:

Workers Comp. Notice  

Injury/Incident Reporting Process  

Workers Comp Predesignation Personal Physican Form  

Workers Comp. FAQs  

Designated Medical Facilities  

More information


Contact Human Resources Representative:

Jessica Esclamado

(650) 358-6805