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Student guides to signing up for and using Zoom video conferencing


Problems using Zoom?

If you are having trouble logging in, make sure that you are using the SMCCD Zoom login page.

Detailed instructions on your first login can be found on the Logging into Canvas page.

For technical issues with Zoom software, please contact Zoom's support desk directly using the following link:
Contact Zoom Support

Signing in to Zoom for the first time

Before using Zoom, you will need to Download the Zoom client for your device.
  1. To begin using Zoom, navigate to the SMCCCD Zoom Login page. Click the "Sign In" button to log in.
    Screenshot of SMCCD's Zoom login screen
  2. Log in using your username and clicking on, "continue".Screenshot of OneLogin login screen with "Forgot Password" option
  3. Enter in your Canvas/OneLogin password. Note: If you have forgotten your "Password" or "Username", you can reset/retrieve it by choosing "Forgot Password" or "Forgot Username" and following the FAQs. If you are not sure how to login to WebSMART, please see the WebSMART login help page.

    Note: If this is your first time using OneLogin, additional instructions on how to set up your account intially can be found on the Logging into Canvas page.

  4. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be able to view your Zoom profile (pictured below).
    Zoom profile screen shown after successfully logging in to SMCCD Zoom
  5. To minimize difficulty when joining meetings, please use the Zoom Test on any device to be sure that your audio and video are working properly.

    Zoom Meeting Test

Reset your Passsword

  1. To reset your Zoom password, navigate to the Zoom Login Page and click the "Sign In" button.
  2. Click on "Forgot Password" and enter your username. Note: Please be sure to only enter the username and not the full email (,, etc. should not be included)
    Screenshot of the OneLogin reset confirmation page
  3. An email will be sent to your primary email address. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

Hosting a Zoom meeting

  1. If you would like to start a Zoom meeting immediately, simply press the "Host" button, shown in the following picture SMCCD Zoom login screen
  2. After pressing "Host", Zoom will automatically launch on your device and begin your meeting. To invite additional attendees to your meeting, press the "Invite" button on the bottom toolbar.
    'Invite' button in Zoom's bottom toolbar
    The invite button in Zoom allows you to add new attendees by Gmail, Yahoo mail, other emails and also by URL.

Joining an Existing Zoom meeting

  1. To join an existing meeting, you can either press the link in the email invitation that you received from Zoom, or you can use SMCCD's Zoom login page to join the meeting. To join an existing meeting, choose the "Join" on the SMCCD Zoom landing page. SMCCD Zoom login screen
  2. On the following screen, enter in the Meeting ID or Personal Link Name to join the meeting (shown below).

    Prompt to enter information to join a Zoom meeting

Joining a Zoom session from Canvas Student Portal on Desktop/Laptop

In this article, we will walk you through step-by-step instructions on joining a Zoom meeting from the Canvas environment using a desktop browser.


  1. Navigate to the Canvas Student Portal Login page. Log in using your username and Canvas password.
    If you cannot remember your Canvas password, please use the "Forgot Password" link to have a new password sent to your student email address (
    If you are not sure how to login to WebSMART, please see the WebSMART login help page.
  2. Once logged in you should be able to see all of your Canvas courses. From here click on the designated course you want, as shown below: Canvas Dashboard
  3. On the left navigation pane, you will find various menu options. From this menu, select “Zoom”.
    Canvas Left Pane Zoom
  4. If this is your first time attempting Zoom through Canvas you will be prompted to “Authorize” Zoom LTI Pro. If you have already authorized Zoom LTI Pro, proceed to step 5.
    Zoom LTI Authorization
  5. Once you have successfully selected Zoom, you will be able to view your “Upcoming Meetings” and select “Join” to actively join the meetings.
    Canvas Zoom Join
  6. Once “Join” is selected, a window should open up in your internet browser to allow you to “Open Zoom Meetings” or “download and run Zoom.” Proceed to download and install Zoom Client if not already installed on your computer.
    Open Zoom or Download
  7. Once you have successfully joined a meeting you should see your Participant ID and options to join by computer audio.
    Zoom join by computer audio

Joining a Zoom session from Canvas Student Portal on Mobile Application

In this article, we will walk you through step-by-step instructions on joining a Zoom meeting from the Canvas environment using a mobile application.


  1. Open your Canvas student application and log in using your username and Canvas password.
    If you cannot remember your Canvas password, please use the "Forgot Password" link to have a new password sent to your student email address ( If you are not sure how to login to WebSMART, please see the WebSMART login help page.
  2. Once logged in you should be able to see all of your Canvas courses. From here click on the designated course you want, as shown below:
    Mobile Canvas Dashboard
  3. On the left navigation pane, you will find various menu options. From this menu, select “Zoom”.
    Zoom Left Pane

  4. If this is your first time attempting Zoom through Canvas you will be prompted to “Authorize” Zoom LTI Pro. If you have already authorized Zoom LTI Pro, proceed to step 5.

  5. Once you have successfully selected Zoom, you will be able to view your “Upcoming Meetings” and select “Join” to actively join the meetings.
    Zoom Upcoming Meetings and Join
  6. Once “Join” is selected, a window should open up in your mobile internet browser to allow you to “Open this page in "Zoom" or “Download from AppStore” Proceed to open the meeting in your mobile Zoom application if not already installed.
    Open Zoom

  7. Once you have successfully joined a meeting you should see your Participant ID and options to join by join audio by mobile phone.
    Mobile Participant ID