Shopping Sheet Information for Student Veterans
Estimated cost of courses including tuition, fees, books, supplies, other additional costs
Cañada College cost of attendance
College of San Mateo cost of attendance
Skyline College cost of attendance
Estimated cost of living expenses
Cañada College cost of living expenses
College of San Mateo cost of living expenses
Skyline College cost of living expenses
Amount of cost covered by VA benefits
Students can search by college or zip code to determine estimated GI Bill benefits, housing allowance and book stipend.
Cañada College zip code: 94061
College of San Mateo zip code: 94402
Skyline College zip code: 94066
Types of Federal financial aid offered by the institution, that the student may be qualified to receive
Please contact your college financial aid office to determine personalized financial aid packages:
Access your financial aid package through the student portal:
- Login to WebSMART
- Choose the Financial Aid Menu
- Click on My Award Information
- Click on Award By Aid Year
- Select aid year and clicksubmit
- Click on Award Overview tab
Estimated amount of student loan debt upon completion of 2-year degree or certificate
Please click on the college name to view the data:
Responsible Borrowing Reminder:
For many students, borrowing to finance their college degree is necessary. While student loans may be a necessary part of financing your degree, it’s important to borrow responsibly. This means only borrowing for what you need. College is an investment in your future.
Graduation Rates by College
Cañada College graduation rates
College of San Mateo graduation rates
Skyline College graduation rates
Job Placement rates for graduates
Please fallow the below steps to view the data:
- Click on the Cal Pass Plus link
- Locate your college in the search bar and hit enter. This website includes Strong Workforce Program statistics.
School Policy on acceptance of transfer credits including military credits
Please click on the following link to view the transfer credit information: Transcript Evaluation Services