Constitution and Bylaws
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(Amended 2021)
The name of this organization shall be the Academic Senate of the San Mateo County Community College District, hereinafter called the District Academic Senate.
The purpose of the District Academic Senate shall be to assure that the faculty at the San Mateo County Community College District have formal and effective procedure for participating in the formation of District policies on academic and professional matters, in accord with the provisions of the California Administrative Code providing for the establishment of district senates, especially sections 53200 through 53206.
A primary function of the District Academic Senate is to represent the college faculties in making recommendations to the administration of the district and to the governing board of the district with respect to the formation of district policy in academic and professional matters.
Academic and professional matters of the District Academic Senate, as set forth in Title V and District Policies and Procedures, shall include but not be limited to the following policy development matters:
- Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites.
- Degree and certificate requirements.
- Grading policies.
- Educational program development.
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation or success.
- College governance structures, as related to faculty roles.
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes.
- Policies for faculty professional development activities.
- Processes for program review.
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development.
- Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon.
Powers and Responsibilities
The powers of the Academic Senate derive from Title 5. All powers and responsibilities of the District Academic Senate shall be exercised through the District Academic Senate, which shall also have the power of interpreting these bylaws. The District Academic Senate shall be primarily charged with representing the faculty to the district administration and the Board of Trustees. Academic and professional matters specific to the individual colleges shall be within the purview of the college senates.
(1989; amended 2003, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2023) PDF version of the Bylaws
Article 1: Names and Definitions
Section 1.01 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Academic Senate of the San Mateo County Community College District, hereinafter called the District Academic Senate, DAS, or Senate.
Section 1.02 Definitions
- Clerk: The clerk shall be a faculty member of the San Mateo County Community College District who is employed in a faculty position in any discipline, is not in a position designated as supervisory, management,or administrative, and has served on the District Academic Senate. This position is generallyreserved for the Immediate Past President.
- Collegial Consultation: Per California Code of Regulations: Title 5, Article 2, 53200. Definitions “Consult collegially” means that the district governing board shall develop policies on all academic and professional matters through either or both of the following methods, according to its own discretion. Per SMCCCD Board Policy No. 2.05 Academic Senate [Board Policy 2510: Participation in Local Decision-Making], the SMCCCD engages primarily in the first method: 1. relying primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate; 2. or agreeing that the district governing board, or such representatives as it may designate, and the representatives of the Academic Senate shall have the obligation to reach mutualagreement by written resolution, regulation, or policy of the governing board effectuating suchrecommendations
- District: The District shall be known as the San Mateo County Community College District, herein referredto as the District or SMCCCD.
- District Academic Senate: A representative body of all faculty from the three Colleges (Canada College, College of San Mateo,and Skyline College) of the District
- Elections Committee: The Elections Committee shall be faculty members of San Mateo County Community College District who are employed in faculty positions in any disciplines, are not in positions designated assupervisory, management, or administrative, and are elected to serve by the District Academic Senate. This committee generally includes the Immediate Past President and one or more previous pastpresidents, or faculty members.
- Faculty: A faculty member shall be any employee of San Mateo County Community College District who is employed in a faculty position in any discipline. Employees in a position designated as supervisory, management, or administrative are not considered faculty. Reassigned time responsibilities will not affectfaculty membership.
- Local College Senates: The local College Senates shall include the voting members of the Academic Senates of Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College; herein referred to as college senates or localsenates.
- Members of District Academic Senate: The members of the District Academic Senate shall be the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, two representatives from each local college Senate (generally President and Vice President) and Standing Committee Chairs, and non-voting members as outlined in thesebylaws; hereinafter referred to as Members of DAS.
- Officers: The Officers of the District Academic Senate shall be the President, President-Elect, and ImmediatePast-President.
- Standing Committee Chairs: A standing committee chair shall be any member of the faculty who is employed in a faculty position in anydiscipline, is not in a position designated as supervisory, management, or administrative, and is elected to serve as chair of the Curriculum Committee and the Teaching and Learning Committee.
Article 2: Purpose
Section 2.01 Reference
The authority for the operation of the Academic Senate is established in Title 5, Article 2 of the California Administrative Code (53200); especially sections 53200 through 53206 and codified in SMCCCD Board Policy No. 2.05: Academic Senate [Board Policy 2015: Participation in Local Decision-Making].
Section 2.02 Purpose and Function
- The purpose of the District Academic Senate shall be to assure that the faculty at the San Mateo County Community College District have a formal and effective procedure for participating in the formation of District policies on academic and professional matters.
- A primary function of the District Academic Senate is to coordinate activities of and communications among the College Academic Senates and shall represent the faculty and make recommendations to the district administration and to the Board concerning academic and professional matters of importance at all Colleges in the District.
Section 2.03 Academic and Professional Matters
Academic and professional matters of the District Academic Senate, as set forth in Title 5 and codified in SMCCCD Board Policy No. 2.05 Academic Senate and accompanying Administrative Procedures, shall include but not be limited to the following policy development matters:
- Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites.
- Degree and certificate requirements.
- Grading policies.
- Educational program development.
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation or success.
- College governance structures, as related to faculty roles.
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes.
- Policies for faculty professional development activities.
- Processes for program review.
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development.
- Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon.
Academic and professional matters specific to the individual colleges shall be within the purview of the local senates.
Section 2.04 Powers
The powers of the Academic Senate derive from Title 5 and SMCCCD Board Policy No. 2.05 Academic Senate. All powers and responsibilities of the District Academic Senate shall be exercised through the District Academic Senate, which shall also have the power of interpreting these bylaws.
- The District Academic Senate shall have the power to establish and amend its own composition, structure, and rules.
- The District Academic Senate has the right to meet with or appear before the Board of Trustees with respect to the views, recommendations, or proposals of the Academic Senate.
- The District Academic Senate shall have the right to appoint or to determine the method of appointment of the faculty members who serve on district participatory governance committees, task forces, or other groups established for the purpose of implementing participatory governance.
Section 2.05 Academic Senate Relationship with the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees or its designees will consult collegially with the Academic Senate when adopting policies and procedures. The Board of Trustees will rely primarily on faculty expertise on all academic and professional matters as listed above (Section 2.03) through the established Academic Senate processes. The Academic Senate will consult collegially with the administration of the college and/or district (per SMCCCD Board Policy No. 2.05: Academic Senate Board Policy 2015: Participation in Local Decision-Making).
Article 3: Roles and Responsibilities
Section 3.01 District Academic Senate Members
The District Academic Senate shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, two representatives from each local college Senate (generally President and Vice President) District Curriculum Committee Chair, District Teaching and Learning Chair, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning, and District Distance Education Advisory Committee Chair.
Section 3.02 District Academic Senate Member Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the members of District Academic shall be as described below:
- The President shall, in every way, endeavor to promote the interests and purposes of the faculty.
- The President shall be familiar with and operate according to the District Academic Senate Bylaws and Rules.
- The President shall organize and preside over all meetings of the District Academic
Senate, and shall see that all meetings are held in compliance with the Brown Act,
parliamentary procedures and Senate rules.
- Meeting organization shall include scheduling the time and place of meetings, the preparation and distribution of meeting agendas, and review of minutes and reports.
- The President shall act as a liaison between the Senate and all other constituent groups including District administration (specifically the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning) and the Board of Trustees.
- The President shall have the power to authorize expenditures for the District Academic Senate budget, in consultation with the Members of DAS
- The President shall co-chair the District Participatory Governance Council (DPGC).
- The President shall attend and represent faculty at all Board of Trustees’ meetings.
- The President shall represent and act as the spokesperson for DAS.
- The President shall serve on or coordinate appointment of faculty members to District committees, standing committees, and task forces as the role necessitates.
- The President shall convene or appoint a designee to chair meetings of the DAS committees or task groups.
- The President shall serve as a voting delegate at all state academic senate plenary sessions, and represent the Academic Senate at all state academic senate area meetings.
- The President shall develop recommendations relating to academic and professional matters in consultation with the Members of Academic Senate for presentation to the Board of Trustees.
- Advocate for adequate resources for the Senate and manage them.
- Attend a meeting of each college’s senate, at least once per semester.
- The President shall vote in the case of a tie.
- The President shall automatically become the Immediate Past President at the end of their one year term as President.
- The President shall perform any function normally thought to be within the realm of a presiding officer which is not otherwise denied by the bylaws.
- The President-Elect shall, in every way, endeavor to promote the interests and purposes of the faculty.
- The President-Elect shall be familiar with and operate according to the District Academic Senate Bylaws and Rules.
- The President-Elect shall deliberate and act upon such matters of faculty interest and concern as are brought to its attention relating to academic and professional matters.
- The President-Elect attends all DAS meetings during the year of their term as President-Elect.
- The President-Elect collaborates with the President to prepare for the role of the President and to develop and facilitate officer transition.
- The President-Elect assists and supports the President as needed and plans for the Presidential (second) year.
- The President-Elect shall organize and preside over meetings of the District Academic Senate in the President’s absence, and shall see that all meetings are held in compliance with the Brown Act, parliamentary procedures and Senate rules. a. Meeting organization shall include scheduling the time and place of meetings, the preparation and distribution of meeting agendas, and review of minutes and reports.
- The President-Elect, in the absence of the President, may serve as a voting delegate at all state academic senate plenary sessions, and represent the Academic Senate at all state academic senate area meetings.
- The President-Elect may perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
- The President-Elect shall attend one of each over the course of the year as President-Elect:
- Board of Trustees meeting
- District Participatory Governance Council (DPGC) meeting
- District Curriculum Committee meeting
- Distance Education Advisory Committee meeting
- Distance Teaching and Learning Committee meeting
- One local senate meeting at each college
- The President-Elect is a voting member
- The President-Elect shall automatically become President at the end of their one-year term as President-Elect.
Immediate Past President:
- The Immediate Past President shall, in every way, endeavor to promote the interests and purposes of the faculty.
- The Immediate Past President shall be familiar with and operate according to the District Academic Senate Bylaws and Rules.
- The Immediate Past President provides advice and leadership to the President regarding past practices and other matters to assist in governing the District Academic Senate.
- The Immediate Past President attends all DAS meetings.
- The Immediate Past President serves as District Academic Senate Clerk
- Assists the President in preparing reports for DAS meetings.
- Takes minutes
- Updates/posts documents to the DAS webpage in a timely manner.
- Assists with the development and communication.
- The Immediate Past President serves as the District Academic Senate Elections Chair and conducts all DAS elections unless they are a candidate, in which case DAS will appoint a different elections committee chair (see Section 5.02).
- The Immediate Past President is the chair of the District Faculty Equivalency Committee.
- The Immediate Past President supports the President and assists in mentoring the President-Elect on an as-needed basis.
- The Immediate Past President works, as a parliamentarian, with the President and President-Elect in, understanding. procedures, and dynamics, and the role of DAS in the required district and local academic senate meetings.
- The Immediate Past President, in the absence of the President and President-Elect, may serve as a voting delegate at all state academic senate plenary sessions, and represent the Academic Senate at all state academic senate area meetings.
- The Immediate Past President may perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President and President-Elect.
- Perform such functions as the President may assign to assist in carrying out the purposes and policies of the DAS.
- The Immediate Past President is a voting member.
Senate Representatives:
Each local Senate shall choose no more than two representatives to serve on the District Academic Senate. While these may typically be the local senate President and Vice President, the local Senate may select and appoint any member of its local Senate for service.
- Senate Representatives shall, in every way, endeavor to promote the interests and purposes of the faculty.
- Senate Representatives shall be familiar with and operate according to the District Academic Senate Bylaws and Rules.
- Senate Representatives shall represent their respective college constituencies in all District Academic Senate discussions and business.
- Senate Representatives shall deliberate and act upon such matters of faculty interest and concern as are brought to its attention relating to academic and professional matters.
- Senate Representatives shall receive and consider the reports and recommendations of the president, all local senates, and the standing committees.
- Senate Representatives shall direct the president to ensure that major issues are sent in a timely manner to the local senates for their deliberation and, when appropriate, for their approval or feedback.
- Senate Representatives shall provide a local Senate update at each District Academic Senate meeting.
- Senate Representatives shall review all meeting materials prior to the meeting.
- Senate Representatives shall inform their local Senates of the District Academic Senate business in a timely manner.
- Senate Representatives shall vote to represent the view of their local Senate at all District Academic Senate meetings.
- Senate Representatives shall approve all faculty appointments to DAS committees and District Committees.
- Senate Representatives shall help ensure that accurate minutes and documentation of its meetings be are kept.
Standing Committee Chairs:
- Standing Committee Chairs shall, in every way, endeavor to promote the interests and purposes of the faculty.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall be familiar with and operate according to the District Academic Senate Bylaws and Rules.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall be knowledgeable of professional rights, responsibilities, standards, and policies.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall attend all District Academic Senate meetings.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall provide information/updates from their respective committees to the District Academic Senate.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall take requested District Academic Senate items back to their committees for further review, discussion, or recommendations in a timely manner.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall collaborate with the District Academic Senate on academic and professional matters.
- Standing Committee Chairs shall vote to represent the view of their respective committees at all District Academic Senate meetings.
Non-Voting Members:
- Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning is a non-voting member of DAS.
- District Distance Education Advisory Committee Chair (DEAC), or designee, is a non-voting member of DAS.
Article 4: Terms of Office, Eligibility to Serve, Reassignment
Section 4.01 Terms of Office
The faculty of the District shall vote to elect the President-Elect of the District Academic Senate each year. The President-Elect serves for three consecutive years: one (1) as President-Elect, one (1) as President, and one (1) as Immediate Past President.
Terms of office shall commence on August 1st and end on July 31st.
Section 4.02 Eligibility to Serve
- All nominees for President-Elect of the District Academic Senate must:
- Be a faculty member at the time of nomination, election, and during office.
- Have served at least one year as an active and participating member of the District Academic Senate in the last five years; or
- Have served at least one year as an active and participating local Academic Senate officer or Standing Committee Chair in the last five years; or
- Have served at least one year as an active and participating Senator and/or member of a local Senate in the last five years.
- In the event that no eligible faculty member is nominated, the District Academic Senate may, by resolution and a majority vote, authorize any faculty member of the local colleges to be a nominee.
- All members of the District Academic Senate, during the term of service, must:
- Be a current faculty member employed in a faculty position in any discipline, and
not in a position designated as supervisory, management, or administrative positions
(including acting and interim).
- Reassigned time responsibilities will not affect faculty designation.
- Be a current faculty member employed in a faculty position in any discipline, and
not in a position designated as supervisory, management, or administrative positions
(including acting and interim).
- If a member’s eligibility changes during their term of service, they will be declared
ineligible to serve.
- In the event there is disagreement on a member’s eligibility the issue may be resolved by a two-thirds vote of the members of DAS.
Section 4.03 Reassignment
The District shall be apprised of the incoming President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, and Standing Committee Chairs elected who shall receive reassigned time. If an adjunct/part-time faculty member is elected to serve as a DAS officer or standing committee chair, they will be compensated through ancillary duties that require a timesheet.
- The President shall receive 60% (0.6, or 9 units) reassignment each semester to carry out the duties of the office.
- The President-Elect shall receive 20% (0.2, or 3 units) reassignment each semester to carry out the duties of the office.
- The Immediate Past President shall receive 20% (0.2 or 3 units) reassignment each semester to carry out the duties of the office.
- The District Teaching and Learning Committee Chair shall receive 20% (0.2 or 3 units) reassignment each semester to carry out the duties of the role.
- The District Curriculum Committee Chair shall receive 20% (0.2 or 3 units) reassignment each semester to carry out the duties of the role.
Article 5: Elections
Section 5.01 Calendar and Procedures
- Elections for President-Elect shall take place in April of each academic year.
- In the event no President-Elect was elected during the previous election, the positions
of President and President-Elect shall be on the ballot.
- In this case, the sitting President or Immediate Past President may run for another term as President.
- In the event no President-Elect was elected during the previous election, the positions
of President and President-Elect shall be on the ballot.
- The election for President-Elect shall be conducted through ballots from faculty of all three colleges of the District.
- The election winner is determined by a simple majority of all faculty who vote in the election.
- The President-Elect shall be elected and announced before the end of the Spring term.
- In the event of no nominations for President-Elect, the District Academic Senate may move forward with no election and no President-Elect or
- By the will of the District Academic Senate hold a special election at the start of the subsequent fall semester.
Section 5.02 Elections Committee
- The Elections Committee is comprised of the Immediate Past President, who serves as
chair, and one or more previous past presidents as long as they are a current faculty
member employed in a faculty position in any discipline, and not in a position designated
as supervisory, management, or administrative positions (including acting and interim)
or faculty approved by two-thirds vote of the DAS.
- If the Immediate Past President is a nominee for a DAS officer position, they are not eligible to serve on the elections committee and DAS will appoint a chair by a two-thirds vote.
- Nominations shall be solicited/gathered and announced by the Elections Committee.
- Nominations may be made from the floor at any DAS meeting where the topic of election
nominations is on the agenda.
- Nominations from the floor must be accepted by the nominee before being placed on the ballot.
- The Elections Committee will create and distribute the ballot to the faculty of the District.
- At the conclusion of the election, the Elections Committee chair will announce the results at the next District Academic Senate meeting.
- The District Academic Senate will vote to certify the results and communicate the results to the District.
Article 6: Resignations, Vacancies, and Removals
Section 6.01 Resignations & Vacancies
A vacancy in the District Academic Senate shall be filled in accordance with the following:
If the President-Elect declares or is declared unable to serve, as defined in Article 4, Section 4.02 Eligibility to Serve, the District Academic Senate may choose one of the following:
- Conduct a special election within 30 days of the vacancy becoming known.
- Appoint the President or Immediate Past President to serve as President for the year following the President-Elect’s term as President-Elect.
- Appoint a District Academic Senate member to serve out the remainder of the vacancy.
If the President declares or is declared unable to serve, as defined in Article 4, Section 4.02 Eligibility to Serve, the District Academic Senate will appoint the President-Elect or the Immediate Past President to serve out the remainder of the vacancy.
In the event of a vacancy in the role of president with no president-elect, the District Academic Senate may choose one of the following:
- Conduct a special election within 30 days of the vacancy becoming known.
- Appoint a Past President, as long as they are a current faculty member employed in a faculty position in any discipline, and not in a position designated as supervisory, management, or administrative positions (including acting and interim), to serve out the remainder of the vacancy.
- Appoint a District Academic Senate member to serve out the remainder of the vacancy.
Immediate Past President
If the Immediate Past President declares or is declared unable to serve, as defined in Article 4, Section 4.02 Eligibility to Serve, the District Academic Senate may choose one of the following:
- Choose to operate without an Immediate Past President.
- Appoint a previous past District Academic Senate President to serve as Immediate Past President.
Senate Representatives
If any District Academic Senate representative declares or is declared unable to serve, as defined in Article 4, Section 4.02 Eligibility to Serve, the local college Senate shall designate a replacement within 30 days of the vacancy becoming known.
Standing Committee Chairs
If a Standing Committee Chair declares or is declared unable to serve, as defined in Article 4, Section 4.02 Eligibility to Serve, the Standing Committee membership shall designate a replacement within 30 days of the vacancy becoming known.
Section 6.02 Removal of Members of District Academic Senate
- An elected or appointed Member of the District Academic Senate may be removed from
office for cause. Cause can include:
- Transgressions against any laws or bylaws, rules, and policies of the District Academic Senate; or
- Failure to fulfill the responsibilities as a Member of the District Academic Senate, as defined in Article 3, Section 3.01 District Academic Senate Member Responsibilities.
- Removal of an officer of the District Academic Senate may be initiated in one of two
- A motion made by a member of District Academic Senate which is properly seconded and passed by a two-thirds vote of the members of District Academic Senate. The proposal to remove an officer must appear on the District Academic Senate agenda prior to the meeting in which it will be considered; or
- A petition approved by a majority vote of the voting members of each local college’s Senate and presented to the District Academic Senate.
- Upon the initiation of the removal process, if any of the facts of the matter are in dispute, then either the petitioning group or the elected DAS member may request an investigation. The District Academic Senate will select a 3-member investigation team; this team will be comprised of available past District Academic Senate Presidents and/or Past Presidents of a local Academic Senate who are still employed in a faculty position, to consider evidence of the removal. The investigation team will have up to 30 days or until the subsequent District Academic Senate meeting to complete the investigation. The investigation team will complete its investigations and present its findings,
- District Academic Senate will then make one of two motions:
- A motion to close the investigation due to lack of sufficient evidence; or
- A motion to remove the officer from the DAS District Academic Senate for cause.
- The motion requires a two-thirds majority vote of the members of District Academic Senate to pass. The vote is conducted by open ballot.
Article 7: District Academic Senate Processes and Procedures
Section 7.01 Meetings
- District Academic Senate meetings are open meetings.
- The District Academic Senate shall meet no fewer than four (4) times each semester or eight (8) times each academic year.
- Should District Academic Senate be required to meet outside the standard academic year, the Members of the District Academic Senate will appoint an Executive Council consisting of at least three (3) members.
Section 7.02 Quorum
- A quorum for a meeting of the District Academic Senate is defined as when greater than 50% of the council is present, provided at least one representative from each college and the President, or designee, are present.
- The District Academic Senate may recognize local Senate authorized substitutes for college representatives and District committee-authorized substitutes for official District Standing Committee representatives.
Section 7.03 Meeting Agendas
- An agenda for each District Academic Senate meeting will be posted according to the regulations of the Brown Act.
- Agendas may be amended with a two-thirds majority vote of the Members of District Academic Senate at the beginning of the meeting.
Section 7.04 Rule of Order
- Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as the primary reference on questions of parliamentary procedure.
- The parliamentarian (Immediate Past President) may consult other sources if the primary references are not sufficient.
Section 7.05 Reports
- The District Academic Senate President is responsible for issuing all reports from the District Academic Senate.
- Reports to District Academic Senate that are not part of any other public record shall be posted to the website.
Section 7.06 District Faculty Committee Appointments
In accordance with Title 5 §53205, the DAS shall appoint faculty to all District committees,
task forces, task groups, work groups, or bodies that deal with academic or professional
matters, unless otherwise stated below.
- Study Abroad Advisory Committee
- Committee appointments are made annually at the beginning of each academic year.
- One faculty member is put forward by each local college Senate for appointment.
- Committee appointees must select one member to make a minimum of one report to the DAS in an academic year.
- Distance Education Advisory Committee
- Committee appointments are made annually at the beginning of each academic year.
- At least one faculty member is put forward by each local college Senate for appointment.
- Committee appointees must select one member to make a minimum of one report to the DAS in an academic year.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
- Committee appointments are made annually at the beginning of each academic year.
- At least one faculty member is put forward by each local college Senate for appointment.
- Committee appointees must select one member to make a minimum of one report to the DAS in an academic year.
- Faculty Equivalency Committee
- The DAS appoints faculty to serve on the Faculty Equivalency Committee as specified in Administrative Procedure 3.05.1
- Committee appointments are made every two years at the beginning of each academic year
- Two faculty are put forward by each local college senate for appointment.
- District Hiring/Screening Committees
- The DAS President shall initiate the recruitment, selection, and appointment of faculty to serve, ensuring that there is a balance of representation from the campuses in the District.
Article 8: Commitees of the District Academic Senate
Section 8.01 Standing Committees
- The District Academic Senate (DAS) may create Standing Committees who shall report to the DAS as needed.
- Standing committees of the DAS shall operate on a clear charge that supports the goals and objectives of the San Mateo County Community College District and its three colleges and addresses matters which have districtwide impact.
- Standing Committees will have defined committee composition that may include non-voting members of administration, classified professionals, and/or students.
- Standing Committees will have a faculty Chair who serves as a voting member of the DAS.
- Standing Committees shall create and maintain handbooks or by-laws that document committee operations.
Section 8.02 Task Groups
- Task groups are short-term committees created to complete a specific task and will dissolve upon completion.
- Through discussion and a two-thirds vote of the members of DAS, a task group may be
- Appointments of faculty members to a task group shall be made by recommendation of the local Senates and appointed by the members of DAS.
- The scope and timeline for the task group work will be determined by the DAS.
- The task group must select one member to regularly present updates to the DAS.
- Updates from the group need to be agendized.
Article 9: Amendments of the District Academic Senate Bylaws
Section 9.01 Proposal of Bylaw Amendments
Amendments of the Bylaws are deemed properly proposed if they meet one of the following criteria:
- A proposal approved by a majority of the members of DAS.
Section 9.02 Bylaw Amendment Voting Procedure
- Bylaw amendments must be brought forth by DAS members and placed on an agenda.
- A review and discussion of the proposed amendment(s) must take place at least one DAS meeting prior to a vote.
- The vote to approve any proposed bylaw amendment(s) may take place at any DAS meeting.
Section 9.03 Approval of Bylaw Amendments
The Bylaws shall be considered amended if one of the following happens:
- If the members of DAS cast a unanimous vote in favor of a properly proposed amendment; or
- By a two-thirds majority vote of the members of DAS, provided that of those DAS members casting votes, each college casts at least one affirmative vote for the amendment.