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Distance Education Advisory Committee



In 2006, to better coordinate distance education efforts, the District formed the Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC). Co-chaired by a faculty member and the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning, the committee is charged to provide strategic District-wide goals for distance education; evaluate the District's technology needs in assisting student learning; identify and disseminate best practices; and make District-wide recommendations for enhancing and expanding distance education instructional modalities. DEAC continues to offer the colleges strategic recommendations, research, best practices and planning for developing high quality online learning. Likewise, the colleges’ DE Teams bring distance education-related questions and projects to DEAC for cross-college collaboration.

In December 2023, the District Academic Senate formally made the Distance Eduaction Advisory Committee (DEAC) an official standing committee of the Senate, with its faculty co-chair having a Senate vote. 

Current Charge

The Distance Education Advisory Committee, or DEAC, is comprised of broad presentation from local distance education committees at each of the three colleges. DEAC advises and makes recommendations on policy and plans for the academic use of instructional technologies as well as offers strategic recommendations, research, best practices and planning for developing high quality online learning to the District Academic Senate.  It supports the District Academic Senate’s goals and the district’s priorities by collaborating on professional development activities, promoting best practices, and recommending quality standards for online teaching and learning. DEAC aims to successfully implement both District and College distance education goals and recommendations.

District DEAC reports to District Academic Senate. DEAC members are also responsible for reporting out to their college DE Teams, local Academic Senate and college governance structures. For more information about how DEAC communicates with stakeholders. In keeping with ASCCC's 10+1 rights of faculty,  there is strong collaboration with the District DTLC and DCC, and recommendations and guidances are formulated collaboratively across these groups. All recommendations and guidance documents are reviewed and voted on by the District Academic Senate.

DEAC Goals

DEAC is tasked with making recommendations on issues including the following:

  • Policies and procedures relating to distance education in the District.
  • District-wide distance education goals, long range planning policies and enrollment trends.
  • How support services and training opportunities for faculty can be developed and enhanced.
  • How communications respecting such matters as changes in available technology, support services
  • Policies respecting security and surveillance of electronic work activities such as e-mail and Internet access usage.

2024-2025 Membership


  • Dr. Bianca Rowden-Quince, Instructional Designer (Skyline)
  • Dr. Aaron McVean, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning (District Office)


  • Erica Reynolds, Instructional Technologist (CSM)


  • Allison Hughes, Instructional Designer (Cañada)
  • Nada Nekrep, Distance Education Coordinator (Cañada)
  • Donna Eyestone, Distance Education Coordinator (CSM)
  • Vacant, CSM Faculty 
  • Andrea Fuentes, Instructional Designer (Skyline)
  • Christopher Collins, District EducationCoordinator (Skyline)

Classified Staff

  • Ricardo Flores, Instructional Technologist (Skyline)


  • Vacant, ASLT Dean (Cañada/CSM/Skyline)
  • Vacant, Vice-President of Instruction (Cañada/CSM/Skyline)
  • Chris Smith, ITS Web Services (District Office)

Agendas and Notes

DEAC meets the 1st Monday of the month, 1:15-2:30pm. The Zoom link is sent out to members and others invited to the meeting to work with us on specific topics.

View Agendas and Notes


2019-2022 SMCCCD Distance Education Strategic Plan (DRAFT)    

DEAC By-laws (DRAFT)

Cañada College

College of San Mateo

Skyline College