Current vacancies:
- District Curriculum Representative
- Cañada second representative
- CSM second representative
- Skyline second representative
David Eck
District Senate PresidentProfessor | Cañada Humanities and Social Sciences - Philosophy

Kathryn Browne
Past PresidentProfessor | Business, Education and Professional Programs - Child Development
Gampi Shankar
Cañada RepresentativeProfessor | Business, Design and Workforce - Business
Monica Malamud
Cañada RepresentativeProfessor | Humanities and Social Sciences - Spanish

Daniel Keller
College of San Mateo RepresentativeAssociate Professor | Language Arts - English
Beth LaRochelle
College of San Mateo RepresentativeActing Director | College of San Mateo - Math/Science - Dental Assisting
Cassidy Ryan
Skyline RepresentativeCosmetology Program Coordinator | Business, Education and Professional Programs - Cosmetology
Jessica Truglio
Skyline RepresentativeLearning Disability Specialist | Skyline Student Services - Educational Access Center
Sarah Harmon
District Teaching and Learning Committee RepresentativeAssistant Professor and OER/ZTC Coordinator | Humanities and Social Sciences - Spanish
Christopher Collins
District Distance Education Advisory Committee RepresentativeInstructional Designer | Academic Support and Learning Technologies - Center For Transformative Teaching and Learning
Lisa Palmer
District Curriculum Committee RepresentativeDistrict Curriculum Co-Chair | Cañada Humanities and Social Sciences - English