District Curriculum Committee (DCC)
The District Curriculum Committee is a sub-committee of the District Academic Senate and is comprised of the Curriculum Committee Chairs at each of the three colleges. In addition, a Vice-President of Instruction from one of the three colleges and the Vice Chancellor of Education are invited as consultants to the committee. The sub-committee provides a forum for discussion and makes recommendations to the District Academic Senate on curriculum matters which have district-wide impact.
Curriculum Chairs:
- Lisa Palmer, English
Chair, Curriculum Committee - District Curriculum Committee Co-chair
- Cañada College
- Jeramy Wallace, English
- Chair, Curriculum Committee
- District Curriculum Committee Co-chair
- College of San Mateo
- Rick Hough, Math
- Chair, Curriculum Committee
- Skyline College
Curriculum Committee Consultants:
- TBD, Vice President of Instruction
- Aaron McVean, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services & Planning
- District Office
Advisory Members
Articulation Officers/Counseling Faculty:
- Marianne Beck, Articulation Officer
- Skyline College
- Gloria Darafshi, Counseling Faculty/Articulation Officer
- Cañada College
- Jacquie Escobar, Counseling Faculty
- Skyline College
- Marsha Ramezane, Articulation Officer
- College of San Mateo
- Arielle Smith, Faculty Lead for AB928 Implementation
- College of San Mateo
Curriculum Specialists:
- Deb Laulusa, Administrative Analyst
- College of San Mateo
- Vacant, Curriculum & Instructional Systems Specialist
- Skyline College
- Nguyen Le (Frank), Phat Minh, Curriculum & Instructional Systems Specialist
- Cañada College
District Resource Members:
- David Eck, Philosophy
- District Academic Senate President
- Cañada College
- Sarah Harmon, Spanish
- Chair, District Teaching & Learning Committee
- Cañada College
- Karrie Mitchell, Vice President of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness
- District Office
- Madeline Wiest, Transcript Evaluation Services Program Supervisor
- District Office
Vice Presidents of Instruction:
- Danni Redding Lapuz, Vice President of Instruction
College of San Mateo - Chialin Hsieh, Vice President of Instruction
- Cañada College
- Vincio Lopez, Vice President of Instruction
- Skyline College
The District Curriculum Committee meets on the third Monday of the month from 2:00 - 4:00 pm via Zoom. It is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend.
Join the Zoom Meeting