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Transcript Evaluation Process

IMPORTANT: For transcripts and exam scores to be considered "official," they must come directly from your external college or university. Electronic transcripts and exam scores that originate from a student’s email address are considered unofficial and will not be accepted by TES for evaluation. 

All students who have indicated that they attended an outside institution on CCCApply and completed matriculation will receive a Transcript Evaluation Success Plan in Student Success Link. To view your success plan and check for updates, please log into mySMCCCD Student Portal and select “Student Success Link”. Our department will send students updates to your account regarding your evaluation status and any information we may need.

A couple of items to note to be eligible for our service:

  • You must send all of your official transcripts to:

Electronic Transcripts (Preferred) can be sent to:

OR by Mail:

College of San Mateo 

Attn: Transcript Evaluation Services  

1700 W Hillsdale Blvd. 

San Mateo, CA 94402 

  • Your Educational Goal must be to earn a degree or certificate.
  • The institution(s) you attended must be regionally accredited
  • Any courses taken within the last year must have Evaluable Grades. If a course indicates an Incomplete (I), In Progress (IP) or Grade Report Delayed (RD) we’ll have to wait until those courses have grades posted before we can begin the evaluation process
  • You are enrolled in San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD)

Please note: By submitting your transcripts, you accept that all applicable courses, units and grades completed at an institution outside the SMCCCD will be incorporated into your academic history, which may impact your academic history within the SMCCCD.